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  • Where is my order?
    We will notify you of the expected delivery time in your order confirmation email. Please note that this time may vary depending on the destination country. Once the parcel is shipped, WAG will provide you with shipment tracking information.
  • What happens if I'm not at home during a delivery attempt?
    If the courier attempts delivery when you're unavailable, your parcel may be delivered to a neighbour or taken to a nearby pick-up point. Alternatively, it might be transferred to another carrier for a second delivery attempt. You can monitor all updates through your parcel tracking.
  • Which delivery options can I choose?
    Currently, WAG offers only standard delivery with shipment tracking. In Germany, delivery is fulfilled by DHL, and we also provide worldwide shipping. Prices and delivery times vary depending on the destination country. You will always receive a notification and tracking information once your parcel has been shipped.
  • Can I modify my order after it has been placed?
    Once an order is placed, the delivery option, delivery address, payment method, and product sizes cannot be changed. If the item has not been shipped yet, please contact us at We will do our best to correct the information you provided, but this is only possible if the items have not been shipped.
  • How do I cancel my order?
    Ordered the wrong item or rushed through your selection? No worries. If your order hasn't been shipped yet, you can still cancel it. Please contact us at
  • How do I return my order?
    If you’re not happy with your order, you have 14 days to send us back any items from the date of purchase. You are responsible for covering the shipping costs for returning your item. The shipping costs are non-refundable. In the case of a refund, the return shipping costs will be deducted from your refund. Please ensure the products or artwork are in their original condition and packaging, suitable for resale. Include our returns form and email, securely wrapped at your own risk and cost.
  • Can I pay by invoice?
    Yes, it's possible. If you choose this option, the items will be shipped after we receive payment confirmation.
  • Payment via PayPal
    If you opt for PayPal as your payment method, you will be directed to PayPal's website at the end of the checkout process. If you already have a PayPal account, you can log in using your credentials and proceed with the payment. For new PayPal users, you have the option to log in as a guest or create a PayPal account before completing the payment. Please be aware that by using PayPal, you agree to their terms of service and procedures. Refunds for Returns: If you decide to return one or more items, the refunded amount will be credited back to your PayPal account.
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